Thursday, January 20, 2011

Merideth's New Year's Resolution

I plan to feed my cats everyday.Ill look everyday too see if they have water and food. If I feed them on Tuesday then I will feed them on Friday because they eat fast. Ill look befor we go on a trip and befor I go too school.If I do this everyday it will become a hobby or a chore. there food smells realy bad but I can handle it. They like Fancey Feast which is at Randells so I can go there and get it any time I want. This maybe hard at frist but Ill get better every time I do it.

Susanna's New Year's Resolution

I will clean my room when it is messy.I want cleaning my room to be a habit beacuse I might trip fall and get hurt.Also what if I had a friend come over,I dont want them to show my room looking like a dump.Besides I want my room to look happy and cheerefull.I do not want my babiesiter to do all the work and clean my room for me!That will just be mean.


Daniel's New Year's Resolution

I am going  to remember to make my bed everyday .First I will put notes on my whiteboard.Second I will try to remember every day.Third,Try to find better ways to make me not to forget to make my bed.Forth,Try to put the sticky note where I ushuly go so I will see the sticky note and I will not forget to make my bed.

Gillian's New Year's Resolution

For my reolution I am going to study harder.I will study harder so I may get better grades then C,and a B.The first thing Iwill do is to pay more actoin to my wonderful teacher.When she gives our home work to us I will go home and do all of it and read for 20minutes.I will also get all my suplize nd not be messy.Before I start doing my home work I will put my name at the top.thenif we are going to have a test I can do it on time.So that was my reolution.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Emily's New Year's Resolution

I plan on cleaning my roomevery sunday.  I want to do this because I see my room messy and I don't like it.  I am going to clean my bed,wipe the floor,and dust my stuff animals.  I think if I keep on cleaning my room every sunday my room will be clean forever!  My Family will be really proud of me!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Muna's New Year's Resolution

     I plan to get  good grades everyday. First I go home and practice everything I learned in class. Geography, Money, Reading, EVERYTHING!!! It's good to get good grades such as: A+, A, A-, and B's. I want to get those grades because I will be more smarter. My mother always tells me to work everyday but when I was younger, I did'nt. So,this year I will be ready for any test and get a good grade.
 I hope it will happen.

                               Muna Khalidi

Samantha's New Year's Resolution

My new year's resolution is to remember to refill my dog sopie's water and food bowl every single day.My plan is to remember that sophie will always be starved and she is part of my family.So I will try not to forget to feed sophie.So I wil not forget to feed her and not let special things get in the way.

Michael W.'s New Year's Resolution

this year i am going to write neater.first i will learn how to hold the pencil right then i will praictes
and praictes till i can write alot neater.then I will make it so i can always write neater.
I want to not just want to make it a resolution i want to make it a habit.

                                                                       Michael W.

Jacqueline's New Year's Resolution

                                                MAKING MY BED
     I plan to make my bed every morning before school  this year.First,I will wake up 5 minute's earlyer then I usly  do then I will take my sheet's and shrighten them out then lay them on my bed.Then i will take my cover's and shrighten them out  and lay them on my bed.After that I will put my pillow's on my bed then my stuft animal's on my pillow's.


Jack's New Year's Resolution

Im goingto get converse.Im going to do more chores.I do not like that much foods so im going to eat more foods and my mom says if i do i get prizes.How im going to get converse?:
*I go to
*make them/find them

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Michael B.'s New Year's Resolution

My new year Resolution is to clean up after doing somthing. I need to clean up behind me. Because i feel bad for my mom and dad for cleaning up for me all the time. So like after I mess up the couch with all the pellows on the ground. I will pick them up then turn the TV off. Then I will play with a freind. Then what evey we get out I will put away. Thats my Resolution.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Zoe's New Year's Resolution

I plan to read everyday because I want to be a good reader.Reading is fun!I also plan to write a book.My favorite books are Fansty because I like to read roral books.Everynight I read bed time story by my self.I always like to read funny funny books cuz there funny.When I move my house....I keep my books save.When I was at 2 grade...All of my friends loves books.I hope I have a very huge lirbary in my house.But I have to good luck with that. :)


Carolyn's New Year Resolution

 I am going to try to practice gymnastics every day this year.I want to practice gymnastics every day because someday, I would like to be an Olympic gymnast.If you want to be an Olympic gymnast,you have to train very hard every single day.Also,I just had my first day at level two.I want to do good in level two so I can move up another level soon.Gymnastics is my favorite sport,so I want to be exellent at it.I don't just want to make this a resolution,I want to make it a habit.

Jackson's New Year's Resolution

One of my new years resolutions is to clean up more.Im sick of the upstairs being a mess.I am cleaning for hours when I should be having fun.After I play with games Im going to put them in their boxes.Also when Im cleaning up I could be getting some rest instead im cleaning the place up.So from now on Im going to orginize and clean up after myself!


Ryan's New Year's Resolution

 I am planning to wake my self up everyday this year.Because my mom and dad gets tired of waking me up every morning.Also sometimes I miss the bus, (but only like 4 or 5 times.) Sometimes I'am in a hurry and I can't finish my breakfast! My mom or dad gets mad sometimes for bringing me to school when I miss the bus. So sence I'm a 3rd grader now I am going to wake my self up every morning even though I sleep late or I want to have more sleep to make my mom and dad happy.


Ms. McMullen's New Year's Resolution

My resolution is to be healthier in the new year. I have cleaned out all the chocolate, the junk food, and the sugar from my house. I went to the store and purchased chicken, fish, and meat. I also bought lots of fresh vegetables and good fruit. I also got Splenda to replace the sugar in my pantry. I am going to stop my trips to Whataburger and go home and cook healthy meals.

Ms. McMullen