Thursday, January 20, 2011

Merideth's New Year's Resolution

I plan to feed my cats everyday.Ill look everyday too see if they have water and food. If I feed them on Tuesday then I will feed them on Friday because they eat fast. Ill look befor we go on a trip and befor I go too school.If I do this everyday it will become a hobby or a chore. there food smells realy bad but I can handle it. They like Fancey Feast which is at Randells so I can go there and get it any time I want. This maybe hard at frist but Ill get better every time I do it.

Susanna's New Year's Resolution

I will clean my room when it is messy.I want cleaning my room to be a habit beacuse I might trip fall and get hurt.Also what if I had a friend come over,I dont want them to show my room looking like a dump.Besides I want my room to look happy and cheerefull.I do not want my babiesiter to do all the work and clean my room for me!That will just be mean.


Daniel's New Year's Resolution

I am going  to remember to make my bed everyday .First I will put notes on my whiteboard.Second I will try to remember every day.Third,Try to find better ways to make me not to forget to make my bed.Forth,Try to put the sticky note where I ushuly go so I will see the sticky note and I will not forget to make my bed.

Gillian's New Year's Resolution

For my reolution I am going to study harder.I will study harder so I may get better grades then C,and a B.The first thing Iwill do is to pay more actoin to my wonderful teacher.When she gives our home work to us I will go home and do all of it and read for 20minutes.I will also get all my suplize nd not be messy.Before I start doing my home work I will put my name at the top.thenif we are going to have a test I can do it on time.So that was my reolution.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Emily's New Year's Resolution

I plan on cleaning my roomevery sunday.  I want to do this because I see my room messy and I don't like it.  I am going to clean my bed,wipe the floor,and dust my stuff animals.  I think if I keep on cleaning my room every sunday my room will be clean forever!  My Family will be really proud of me!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Muna's New Year's Resolution

     I plan to get  good grades everyday. First I go home and practice everything I learned in class. Geography, Money, Reading, EVERYTHING!!! It's good to get good grades such as: A+, A, A-, and B's. I want to get those grades because I will be more smarter. My mother always tells me to work everyday but when I was younger, I did'nt. So,this year I will be ready for any test and get a good grade.
 I hope it will happen.

                               Muna Khalidi

Samantha's New Year's Resolution

My new year's resolution is to remember to refill my dog sopie's water and food bowl every single day.My plan is to remember that sophie will always be starved and she is part of my family.So I will try not to forget to feed sophie.So I wil not forget to feed her and not let special things get in the way.